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Blog 124 3/15

This is yet again another photo if Lily in a tree. I think this photo in my favorite out of the three but the only problem with this...

Blog 123 3/14

This is a funny picture I got of my friend lily. Although the whole right side is very dark which messes up the composition, I still...

Blog 122 3/13

This is a picture during the set fro 3LH. I edited the picture to just make the purples pop and it really brought down the high exposure...

Blog 121 3/12

This is a photo by the french photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. This was taken in China during the gold rush. This photo is very...

Blog 120 3/11

This photo may seem like a bad and unplanned photo but I really like it. I dont like traditional, super professional, follow a bunch of...

Blog 119 3/8

This is a photo my friends took of me in the basement type area of someones house during a show. They had a lot of bikes, like a weirdly...

Blog 118 3/7

This is a picture I took of my friends Lily. The two things id change about this photo is that Lily is very washed out and bright. The...

Blog 117 3/6

This is more of an establishing shot I took on that day. It shows where the bands were playing, the types of people there and where the...

Blog 116 3/5

This is another picture I took the same night but at the actual house the show was taking place. I kind of caught Omar off guard so his...

Blog 115 3/4

Although most of this picture is really dark I really like it. I think the scary dead tree in the corner really plays a long with the lit...

Blog 114 3/1

This is a picture I took of my friend Lily while we were exploring the neighborhood during a house show. Lily decided to climb a tree and...

Blog 113 2/28

This is a photo I took of my friend Lily with her boyfriend Omar. I really love with photo because it was so dark out, the camera...

Blog 112 2/27

This is another shot I took with my disposable camera. I again put it through Photoshop express and decided to keep the teal or...

Blog 111 2/26

This is a photo of some of the band 3LH. I saw them at Squibfest with a lot of other local SD/ California bands. I didn't want to blind...

Blog 110 2/25

This is a picture of a dandelion I took a couple months back. I really liked this picture in color but I think the black and white really...

Blog 109 2/22

This is a photo of a bouquet of flowers I got from a friend on valentines day. I put this picture in black and white because the colored...

Blog 108 2/21

This is a photo I took of my friend Lily Landre while exploring the UCSD campus at a show at Che Cafe. I thought the way the lighting was...

Blog 107 2/20

This is a photo edit I did of myself on my phone a couple days ago. I went onto an app called picsart and looked for a sticker to take up...

Blog 106 2/19

This is a photo from out photographer of the week, Diane Arbus. This is a really good photo because it is very strange. The expression on...

Blog 105 2/14

This is a photo edit I did of myself on an app called picsart on my phone. I did this by adding the same photo multiple times and...

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